I have finally figured out why DareDevil fails in comparision to other Marvel movies like Spiderman and X-Men. It’s not that it is filled with action, but it is that of which it is filled with to much. The story falls flat on its face it’s just so boring. It’s not the premise that is boring, but the story itself is just all told in a flash back and you know that DareDevil will at least survive to the point at which the flashback occurs. The story suffers from it’s supporting characters not at all getting developed as the story goes on. There was that reporter guy, played by actor Erick Avari, who seemed to be important, but you never get an understanding of who he really is. You understand that by the end of the movie that he must be an important guy, but you don’t get what he does for DareDevil.
Also the cinematography is just bad, at least for the action scenes. The camera is always either way to close or way to far from the action. It never allows you to get a true grasp of what is going on around you, which gets very annoying. Another bad thing is the music at the beginning of the movie. When we first see DareDevil diving down from the skyscraper and landing on those window washers ladders the music is just awful. The music does not follow DareDevil at all. You would think that the music would increase in volume to make this big noise as he lands on each of the ladders, but no they don’t do that. The music just keeps on going and it just doesn’t help this scene at all.
One cool scene with the music was the first fight scene with DareDevil when he fights in that bar trying to seek justice against the rapist. They do this effect that they dim the music whenever DareDevil is trying to locate a person by using echolocation, by tapping on a bar or something.
The actors/actresses in this movie are all fine, except for Ben Affleck who plays DareDevil. I think he should have been a bit more tired and groan more whenever he talked. Just imagine being a super hero and yet not having any super strength. So basically in every fight it hurts like none other, especially when you get into them one after another. But that’s really the only problem that I had, in this subject.