Review: Overlord (Xbox 360)


Overlord on the Xbox 360 is a unique execution of familiar concepts, blending elements of Action/RPG and RTS to create a relatively fresh gaming experience out of ideas you will immediately recognize, but it’s not without it’s blemishes. How does it stack up? You’ll have to read more to find out!

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Harold and Kumar go to Gitmo


Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle was a seriously underrated “get-high-and-be-stupid” comedy. Neil Patrick Harris stole their car, so they rode a wild cheetah! Amazing!

If, like me, you can’t wait and you’re hurting to know the entire plot of Harold and Kumar 2, I think I’ve got you covered. Here you go, hit the jump for one grande-sized SPOILER with extra onions, courtesy of Ain’t It Cool News patron Dr_Moe.

[Via If It’s Movies]

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Rob Zombie making EXTRA sure he ruins “Halloween”


It looks like Rob Zombie is putting in some overtime in his effort to undoubtedly ruin the second greatest modern cinema monster (non shall surpass Leatherface!), according to the gore hounds over at Bloody-Disgusting.

“…Rob Zombie has been hard at work filming new material for his remake of HALLOWEEN, which is slated for release on August 31. Today ended seven straight days of grueling filming around the Los Angeles area, which included the addition of six, count ‘em, six new death sequences! The film has been given a serious boost in violence, gore and bloodshed… but that’s not the big news – we received word that an entire new finale has been shot. Details are mum on what is different, but we’re told the new ending is quite gruesome!!”

Any iota of respect I had left for Rob Zombie was based strictly on the fact that he is largely responsible for Astro-Creep 2000, which I think is one of the greatest albums ever, but adding unnecessary rape scenes, ridiculous gore, and a gruesome ending to a remake of the movie that did horror BEST without all those things is really testing my patience. As a director, I’ll hand it to Rob, he’s got vision. As a writer, he’s a talentless hack that needs to keep from stomping on sacred ground.


New T. Hawk sprite for SSF2T HD Remix


Another week, another trickle of Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix (just when you thought the qualifiers had ended) sprites. This week Brian Dunn brings us a single sprite of T. Hawk, everyone’s least favorite SF II character ever. Poor stereotyped guy. Maybe his totally radical revamp will change some of that, though. It certainly makes me want to give him another shot. Maybe it’s his super-trendy belt buckle.

Dunn’s blog over at Capcom USA also gives us a little more insight into the rendering process for the new game. If you’ve scoured Stuff We Like from top to bottom and still have time to kill, you should head over there and check it out. It’s a pretty cool read. Otherwise, just click on the thumbnail, and fall in love with this game all over again.


[Feldman is the MAN!]

Sabretooth going the way of Captain America?


Where my comic dorks at?

You know how it goes. Wolverine and Sabretooth fight, beat each other to death, and come back for more. Every time you think it’s the last fight, one of them (usually Sabretooth) regenerates from a single fingernail over the course of a year or two, and the rivalry begins anew. But, it may not be that way the next time they fight.

In a conference call with writer Jeph Loeb, IGN got some pretty interesting clues into what is looking like the impending demise of Sabretooth. Loeb expressed a desire to give Wolvie a new rival, a head honcho type rather than another thug. But, if Wolverine is to have a new arch-nemesis, what’s to happen to Sabretooth?

“If you’ve been reading Wolverine: Origins then you’re aware of the fact that a sword exists… that can actually kill him,” said Loeb. “Whereas his healing power would always work, if he was cut by this sword, it would not work. As we have learned through this story, Wolverine and Sabretooth aren’t brothers at all, but they’re from the same species. What will work on Logan will work on Creed.”

Here’s what Loeb had to say when IGN asked if Sabretooth was on the Green Mile:

“I don’t want to spoil anything,” Loeb replied. “If you connect the dots… If by the end of issue #54, you think what Sabretooth has done is okay, which Logan does not… Victor is really, really out of control. Combine that with the fact that we see in the preview art that Wolverine went to get a sword that could kill himself… I think you could connect a line. But I don’t want to spoil anything. I think the question is if he doesn’t kill him, then why doesn’t he. I’ve written that story, I wrote about why the Batman doesn’t kill the Joker. This will be different.”

Uh oh! Loeb goes on later in the conversation about how much freedom he has with his writing at Marvel, how big changes are taking place across the board, and how comics are no longer content to be the same story month to month, year to year. Coupled with some of the preview shots from the upcoming fight (which I have galleried below), things are looking grim for Victor Creed, especially in that last page. Dang!

[Thanks Feldman!]

Click the thumbnails for the full version.


Heroes in a halfshell back for more?


Big news for those of us that love us some anthropomorphic kung-fu amphibians! The 5th Turtle is reporting that the chances of a a sequel to last year’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles hit TMNT have improved significantly. Based on the success of that film worldwide, I’m wondering why they aren’t already working on it. Here’s the post in it’s entirety (it’s such a coy little blurb!)

As of two weeks ago Imagi Entertainment (the TMNT movie animation studio) informed Mirage Studios that there was a 50-50 chance of a CGI film sequel. Last week they upped the odds to 70-30 in favor of a sequel, as talks between Imagi and their distribution partners Warner Brothers and the Weinstein Group seem to be heading in a positive direction…”

Watchout now!