Microsoft Releases Natal Partners; Coming to TGS


What? No Peter Molyneux? But all we want is to ask British village boys if they’ve done their homework!
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New Alpha Protocol Trailer Shows Guns, Kung Fu


A new trailer’s out for the world’s first “Modern Spy Role Playing Game”, developed by Obsidian. Does it give Jason Bourne a run for his money? Find out.
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Game Review: Sonic Unleased – A step in the RIGHT Direction

Every now and then a good Sonic game is released to the masses. Fans and critics cheer and then Sega screws up the jubilee by announcing a new Sonic game that messes with the formula. Sonic Unleased has been touted by Sega as THE Sonic game that brings the franchise back to its roots and fixes many problems that have plagued recent Sonic games. Continue reading “Game Review: Sonic Unleased – A step in the RIGHT Direction”