Tag: Christian Bale
‘Dark Knight’ Sequel Starts Filming Next Year

And the news comes straight from Commissioner Gordon himself.
Continue reading “‘Dark Knight’ Sequel Starts Filming Next Year”
Public Enemies – Movie Review
[NOTE: This review contains possible spoilers.]
Batman takes on Captain Jack Sparrow in this adaptation of the non-fiction book Public Enemies by Bryan Burrough. Continue reading “Public Enemies – Movie Review”
Terminator: Salvation – Movie Review
[WARNING: This review contains spoilers, plot points, and references to other current theatrical releases. You have been warned.] Continue reading “Terminator: Salvation – Movie Review”
Christian Bale Rant

Ever since we heard Christian Bale was attached to Terminator 4, we knew the film had some major potential. Regretably Bale had a ‘small’ incident while filming that has leaked out onto the internet. Continue reading “Christian Bale Rant”
5 Things I Learned While Watching The New World
The New World: The Extended Cut
New Line Cinema
Starring Colin Farrell, Q’orianka Kilcher, Christopher Plummer, and Christian Bale
Written and Directed by Terrence Malick
Rated PG-13 for some intense battle sequences.
Running Time = 135 minutes
As I watched this extended version of The New World, which was my first time viewing the film, several thoughts came to mind. I wish to share five of them with you now. Continue reading “5 Things I Learned While Watching The New World”