Happy to announce that Xbox One will have a much higher quality voice chat system. You can hear an example below between the Xbox One and Xbox 360. Yes, now you’ll be able to hear little 13 year old bitches yell at you like never before… Continue reading “Xbox One Voice Chat Quality”
Category: Xbox 360
Fantasia The Game, Doesn’t Feature Fantasia
Ok I think we can all call this one a fail. The first promo trailer for Fantasia: Music Evolved features nothing about Fantasia. As of right now this video has 755 thumbs down with only 85 likes. Putting that aside though, I think it’s a great music game concept. I really do look forward to hearing more about this new Xbox One Kinect exclusive and who knows maybe it will include some extra Fantasia themes.
Kinect 2 for Fitness
Gameplay: Motorcross Madness FAIL
You can watch the entire Motorcross Madness stream session below:
Gameplay: BattleBlock Theater
Livestream: Gears of War Judgement Midnight Launch
Gears of War Judgement has launched and we attended the Microsoft Store out in Century City livestreaming the whole event. Continue reading “Livestream: Gears of War Judgement Midnight Launch”