Dick Tracy Reboot

Say hello to my little friend! Wait err no x that. Say hello to my big friend!

The Dick is back, maybe. A long time ago in 1985 Warren Beattey got rights to make the Dick Tracy film, which was released in 1990. Now in 2011 Beatty fought off the original rights holder of the Dick Tracy comic Tribune Co. He retained the film and television rights to Dick Tracy. The question of course now is will he do anything with them?

The original Dick Tracy film wasn’t all that bad. It had color, music, and odd looking mob men. It’ll be interesting to see if that same tone from the film is brought over into this new film or if they go for a darker tone. On the other side, Dick Tracy could easily become a cop/detective cable show. I think either outlet would be a good fit.

Author: DaveWeLike

I'm the editor of StuffWeLike.com.

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