The Exorcist: Extended Director’s Cut/Original Theatrical Version – Blu-ray Review

Can a film be pure evil? Is it possible for a movie to scare you so much that you faint from watching it? Many critics and audiences thought and felt this way when The Exorcist hit theaters 37 years ago.

For its time, The Exorcist was considered one of the most shocking, disturbing, and evil films ever made. Theaters had ambulances on stand-by, vomit bags at the concession stands, and warned the pregnant and faint of heart to stay away.

Nearly four decades later and many still consider The Exorcist to be one the scariest movies of time if not THE scariest. My first experience with he film was at a Halloween sleepover when I was in middle school. That pretty much made sleeping a chore for the months following the few scenes I was privy to. Trust me, this is NOT a film for children, and it’s not even a film for many adults.

If you like to be scared, or movies don’t scare you, then The Exorcist is recommended. It is an iconic film in American horror cinema, and what better time to watch it than during the month of Halloween. Filled with terrifying moments, gruesome sights, and disturbing images, The Exorcist is a sight to behold.

This newly released Blu-ray set includes the remastered original 1973 theatrical version and the Extended Director’s Cut. Between the two Blu-ray discs is a booklet about the making of the film, and an insert that features a personal message from director William Friedkin.

Both discs are loaded with special features for The Exorcist neophyte or expert and include:

Extended Director’s Cut Blu-ray

Commentary by William Friedkin

Raising Hell: Filming The Exorcist

The Exorcist Locations: Georgetown Then and Now

Faces of Evil: The Different Versions of The Exorcist

Trailers, TV Spots, and Radio Spots


Original Theatrical Version Blu-ray

Introduction by William Friedkin

Commentary by William Friedkin

Commentary by William Peter Blatty with Special Effects Tests

Sketches & Storyboards

Interview Gallery with William Friedkin & William Peter Blatty: The Original Cut; Stairway to Heaven; The Final Reckoning

Original Ending

The Fear of God Featurette

Trailers and TV Spots

For the ultimate scary movie, check out The Exorcist: Extended Director’s Cut & Original Theatrical Version on Blu-ray NOW!

Do you think this is the “scariest movie of all time”? Leave a comment and let us know!

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