Games for Dad

Dads are a tricky subject. Some are loving and inspiring whilst others absent and off hand. Some are communicative and open, whilst others are as hard to fathom as the depths of loch ness. Some are in touch with their creativity and at ease with their feminine side, whilst others are purely manly. Although the people I’ve got to know through Family Gamer talk about their dads in different ways, they all seem to agree that they make up a big part of what it is to be a family.

However we do as fathers, or however we relate to our fathers, perhaps the most important aspect is to simple be there in each other’s lives. With this in mind it’s interesting that Wikipedia suggests the focus of Father’s Day is about celebrating ‘family-oriented activities’ together, rather than the ‘gift giving’, ‘flowers’ or ‘lie-ins’ of mother’s day.

Sunday June 15th 2008 is father’s day in over 30 countries. And it’s a great excuse to give Dad’s something that compliments their social, game playing, fun instincts. Let’s take a moment to pick out a few video games that should be a good fit for your Dad, or perhaps help your partner enjoy their Father’s time with your kids.

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