Visit The Rip-Off Museum

Talk about cheap

These guys at a website called Destructoid, or something, apparently write about games and give interesting web-suggestions.

Today one caught my eye: The Rip-Off Consoles Museum, or as it is officially named: The Pachimon game museum.

This website has a gallery of “pirate” consoles, manufactured without any permission, that run cartridges of famous consoles (in their majority they are “Famiclones” or “NESclones”, meaning they run Japanese and/or US versions of Nintendo’s first home console). Even though the museum is in Japanese you can still have fun with the cheap look of the machines and their stupid names.

Being a citizen of a third-world country (Brazil) I have seen many of these consoles on the streets, played a lot of them and even owned one or two, so I like to see the point of view of other countries on these things I have seen in 90% of the videogame stores I have gone to since I was born.

If you missed the two hyperlinks to the museum here goes another one.

Super Contra Giltch

So, the last I posted a Prince of Persia glitch video from my 360 here I got over twenty thousand views, seems you like it. You know what? Me too.

So, yesterday I had some friends over and while we were playing Super Contra we shot down the helicopter on the first level, then the animations kept on looping and nothing would happen, so I took out my video camera and the rest is here:

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