A good way to end life

is to end your stories.

Therefore I will end mine now:

Remember my whole English situation – which led to my hat situation – which led to the car situation? If not read the previous post.

As I walked to class today, I wore a new hat that I got over the weekend. I told myself “Remember do not lose this hat!” When I arrived at my building, I wanted a drink of water so I went to the water fountain next to my English classroom. As I walked by, I looked into my English classroom and bam! There it was, my red hat! It was sitting on a TV as if calling my name and I yelled “That’s my fucking hat!” Sure I interrupted the class that was currently in session and the teacher asked me to leave, but who cares. I thought that someone stole my hat, but some how it found me!

Amazing how one bad day could affect my life and turn into a long and dramatic story. Don’t you love happy endings?

Author: DaveWeLike

I'm the editor of StuffWeLike.com.

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